Celebrating 100 years in the community
We have a series of special services and events to commemorate the Church’s centenary year.
Our next events are below. Please click on the pictures for more details
For more events click here
Easter is nearly upon us and with that in mind, we are collecting Easter eggs of any size which will be donated to 3 causes that do so much to help their communities.
Please put any donations in the basket under the noticeboard in the foyer.
All services are at 10:30am unless otherwise stated. Those highlighted in gold are part of the PA100 celebrations.
23rd March
Linda Leathersich (Church)
It’s Friday Club on Sunday (Main Hall)
30th March
Rev. David Speirs (with Holy Communion)
6th April
Rev. Malcolm Oliver
13th April – Palm Sunday
John Atkin – All age worship
March 2025 Prayer Theme
A Prayer for Peace
Creator God, today in a fractured world we pray for peace and justice, Your peace, not built on our broken promises and failing courage, but your deep peace, through your creative power and embodied in the service and sacrifice of Jesus.
May we follow Christ, seeking your justice, acting in solidarity and hope, even when the way seems unclear and the powers of our world don’t reflect your Kingdom, Your Peace, Your Justice, Your world, In Jesus name,
Andy Dye, Director of Global Relationships,
The Methodist Church
Open prayer meeting
The Prayer Support Group would like to invite you to an open prayer meeting at Park Grove on
Tuesday 25th March at 10am
This is an informal meeting for about half an hour with no pressure to pray out loud, or do anything other than be there, listen and support others in prayer for the world, our community and church fellowship, so do come along if you can. All are welcome, if you are unable to attend but have any prayer requests or suggestions please email them to prayer@parkavenue.org.uk or text/Whatsapp 07902936538