Ministers Letter August 2024 from Rev. David Speirs
Dear siblings in Christ,
You will doubtless be aware of the many incidents of violent disorder that have been occurring in the United Kingdom this month, disorder which has been stoked by extremists who are seeking to promote racial hatred and division in our communities.
As Christians we are encouraged by Jesus to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9) and to live peaceably with all people (Romans 12:18). This stems from our calling as disciples to unconditionally love one another as Jesus commands (John 13:34) and to love God and love our neighbour as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). The violent incidents that have been seen across Britain are in opposition to God’s command to live peacefully and with love for our neighbour. Instead, they are motivated by hatred and go against the teachings of Jesus. It is therefore important that we condemn the violence and seek the way of Christ.
The Methodist Church affirms that racism is a denial of the Gospel. Not only does racism propagate injustice and inequality, but it denies the sacred dignity of human beings who are made in the image and likeness of God. Racist ideology is harmful and destructive; it inevitably leads to dehumanisation, oppression, discrimination, hostility, exploitation and degradation. Racism must therefore be resisted and opposed at every opportunity and recognised as being a pernicious manifestation of human sinfulness.
Please do pray for the situation that our nation is facing and demonstrate kindness and compassion to those who have been affected by the violence. Please also pray for the police and emergency service workers who are responding to these incidents and are endeavouring to keep us safe. As a Church we are called to model good relationships and to keep the bond of peace that we are offered in Christ and through the Spirit. Let us do this without prejudice and with love for every human person, as we celebrate the diversity found within the body of Christ.
The President and Vice President of the Methodist Church have issued a statement on the violent disorder that can be read on the reverse of this letter. The Connexion will also be producing resources to enable churches to respond appropriately. In the mean time you can find out more about the Methodist Church’s commitment to Justice, Dignity, and Solidarity and to being a fully inclusive Church by visiting:
In all these things we ask that God might help us to continue to proclaim the Good News: That Jesus Christ died and was raised for every human being so that we might find reconciliation and new life through him. May the knowledge of God’s love for us in Jesus, and the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, lead us into peace, justice, and reconciliation as together we seek Christ’s Kingdom.
Yours faithfully,
David Speirs
Revd David Speirs
Superintendent Minister
Northampton Methodist Church & Circui