Ministers Letter March 2025
Rev Ian Forsyth
Today’s ministers letter looks at an introduction to pilgrimage something that is close to my heart. Many of you may know that I love to walk in the countryside or at the seaside, taking time out to reflect adjust be present in the moment. My love of walking may have started as I decided to save my bus money for the school bus and chose to walk to my secondary school and back home again. Walking in nature is relaxing and taking time to see what is around. When walking is combined with pilgrimage it takes on a connection to God and a time to listen and pray. In 2026 I am planning to complete a third reflection at Great Billing Chapel around the theme of looking back and looking forward.
The question you could ask is, why pilgrimage? Historically, pilgrimage has been defined as a journey to a sacred place, taken for a religious reason. Many people of no faith today take a pilgrimage as they want to search for something or someone. I do not know who said this quote unfortunately, however ‘It has been said if you have lost direction in life, a pilgrimage can help. Below are four points that may help if you are considering going on a pilgrimage in the future.
- A pilgrimage is a specific walk with a clear direction. You have a specific place to start a destination and if you choose to follow, the way markers, you have the route to get there, which may be comforting when feeling directionless. Walking can shrink life down to its basic elements. You can appreciate the simple things.
- The dedicated time away from daily routines allows for deep self-reflection and contemplation on one’s life and goals.
- Engaging with the spiritual aspects of a pilgrimage site can provide a sense of connection to something larger than oneself, offering renewed perspective.
- Many pilgrimages involve traveling with others, which can provide a supportive community and opportunities for meaningful conversation.
Finally, I would like to share a hymn and a Bible verse that may help in our day-to-day life in the Northampton Methodist Church. In the book of Proverbs Ch 3 v 5 and 6 says ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. We can ask God to show us His way and Singing the Faith (397), asks us to walk in the light, sharing Jesus with those we meet.
The Spirit lives in you and me, walk, walk in the light. His light will shine for all to see, walk, walk in the light.
Chorus Walk in the light, walk in the light, walk in the light, walk in the light of the Lord.
Blessings From Rev Ian Forsyth.