
All services are at 10.30am unless otherwise stated

13th October

Led by Sue Foy

20th October

Led by Rev. Alan Sharp in the Church

Sunday Club Service in the Hall

27th October

Led by John Atkin (In the Church)

Sunday Club (In the Hall)

3rd November

Led by Rev. David Speirs (Holy Communion)

10th November

Grace and Revd Daniel Pratt Morris-Chapman (Remembrance Sunday)

October 2024 Prayer Theme

God of grace and glory:

We thank you that you are merciful and just in all your ways.

Lord your world is very broken. Wherever we look there are wars, conflicts and chaos.

There are some who have plenty and to spare and others who don’t even have the basics, like clean water, food or access to medical care.

We know that this wasn’t your plan, Lord. When you finished creating the world you looked at all that you had made, and you saw that it was good.

Lord, we need you to come and heal your world

We pray especially about the escalating conflict in the Middle East and all those killed, injured or displaced by the fighting, whatever their nationality or political views.

Open our eyes that we may see the world through your eyes;

Open our ears that we may hear cries for justice with your ears;

Open our hearts that we might share your compassion;

Open our minds that we might discern your truth;

Open our mouths that we might speak your word;

Embolden us with your Spirit that we might

    respond to all that we see and hear,

    put into practice what we are learning from you,

    and be messengers of your grace and glory. Amen

(written by Sue Foy and including an extract from a prayer by Rachel Deigh, mission partner in Sierra Leon, Methodist Prayer Handbook)

Open prayer meeting   

The Prayer Support Group would like to invite you to an open prayer meeting at Park Grove on Tuesday 29th October at 10am. This is an informal meeting for about half an hour with no pressure to pray out loud, or do anything other than be there, listen and support others in prayer for the world, our community and church fellowship, so do come along if you can. All are welcome, if you are unable to attend but have any prayer requests or suggestions please email them to or call/text/whatsapp 07902936538

God Spot

View previous God Spots. Click here for the gallery

Ministers Letter 

Click here to read the latest letter

Circuit Podcast

Listen to the latest podcasts. They can be found on the Circuit Website. Click here