Originally patchwork came into being due to thriftiness, when clothes and blankets were too worn to be of any use, good pieces were cut out and sewn back together to make a quilt or another garment.
In some respects this hasn’t changed as many modern patch-workers and quilters only use recycled material from jumble sales, charity shops and the like.
Others buy new materials from shops with cater especially for these devotees.
A few years ago it was virtually impossible to find much variety, but now specialist shops stock a huge range of materials, books and equipment, as well as running courses, classes and workshops.
Many people wonder why others buy beautiful pieces or material only to cut it up and sew it back together again!
These people should be taken, probably kicking and screaming, to at least one of the many patchwork and quilting shows held throughout the UK each year. It is to be guaranteed that their jaws will drop in amazement at the quality, ingenuity and skillful artistry in front of them.
Anyone who can thread a needle, or use a sewing machine can patchwork and quilt.
It just needs a bit of guidance and patience in the inital stages, then away they go!
Some people jump in at the deep end and tackle a full sized quilt, others start with a cushion, placemat or other small items.
Whatever the choice, a great deal of personal satisfaction is derived from that first completed article.
Meet: Tuesdays at 10:00am – 12:30pm in the Jubilee Room.
Contact: Margaret Taylor – office@parkavenue.org.uk