In the space of just a few months, the coronavirus pandemic has caused a seismic shift in society.
The outbreak has affected all spheres of life. It has brought suffering and uncertainty for so many, both here and overseas, taking centre stage in our thoughts, conversations and prayers.
As individuals, families, communities and organisations, this crisis continues to have a significant impact on how we go about our daily business. We have all had to adapt to new ways of living.
In 2019 Christian Aid Week raised over £7.5m through a combination of church collections, house-to-house, delivery-only fundraising and events such as Big Brekkies but this year
Christian Aid Week is going online
“It is at times like these – testing and painful times – that we recognise we are all in this together. Coronavirus impacts everyone, but love unites us all. Christian Aid Week has always been a joyful celebration of what we can achieve together for the world’s poorest people and in this time of global crisis Christian Aid’s work is needed as much as ever before.
The most vulnerable and marginalised people are at the greatest risk from coronavirus. In Sierra Leone there are no ICU beds and in Malawi there is one ICU bed for every one million people. In refugee camps, people are not able to keep socially distant from one other and 40% of the world’s population do not have access to soap and water.
This Christian Aid Week we can fight against coronavirus alongside our sisters and brothers living in poverty.’
You can donate whatever you can by this Just Giving page.
For another way to donate and for information and prayers look at